Video Newsletter: Amazing art, Lamp Kits, and More!
Need additional Gourds for Kids? Get the NEW low-priced "Learning Boxes" click here.
April 15, 2020
Video Newsletter: Amazing art, Lamp Kits, and More!
Need additional Gourds for Kids? Get the NEW low-priced "Learning Boxes" click here.
Shown above: Canteen Gourd Lamp by Sue Sweder. Sue did such a fun, carved design on this gourd, we absolutely love it!! She used all GourdMasterTM products and shares, "I mix many of my colors using Formula 49." Thank you, Sue!
Here is Sue's color list for this project:
Tansparent Acrylics: Azure, Pure White (mixed with Classic Yellow Ink Dye)
Metallic Inks: Gecko Green, Aqua Shimmer, Bright Gold, Ocean Mist, Brass
Ink Dyes: Light Green, Christmas Green, Burnt Orange, Classic Yellow (mixed with White Ink dye or Pure White Transparent Acrylic)
Shown above: We have a few boxes of our 'Canteen Shape' Gourd Lamp Kit in stock. Supplies limited, use this link to order.
More Gourds for Kids!
"My granddaughter had a great time with the free gourds provided by Welburn. Kept her busy for many hours!" -Sheryl
Shown above, updated 'Gourds for Kids' boxes, average value of $47.00, yours Free! (Just pay shipping charges); Limit one box per household
Shown above, NEW low-priced 'Learning Boxes',* Reg. $47.00, Just $29.95 (just $9.95 shipping)
*Note: These are the same boxes as the Free Kids' Boxes. We made them for those who would like to get more gourds after their one-allotted Free box.
We are Giving Away All of Our "Instant Access" Online Gourd Classes
to Help Everyone During Coronavirus Shut Downs (A total value of $436.25, yours Free)
To help everyone stuck at home during the Coronavirus shut downs, we are offering ALL of our Instant Access Gourd Classes at no cost. (Note: there is a small $2.99 fee per class that our service provider charges for bandwidth and account use.)
Shown above, Some of our Instant Access Gourd Classes being offered for free for a limited time only.
Today's Featured Gourd Art!
This beautiful gourd is by Carolann Chambliss! Thank you, Carolann, for sharing your photos with us on Facebook!
If you need a gourd shaped like the lovely art piece by Carolann shown above, we recommend our Box of Round-Body Gourds:
Shown above, small 5"-6.9" Round-Body Gourds; at right, Customer Service Specialist, Olivia Iglesias with small Round-Body gourds.