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April 18, 2023: Get a FREE Fili-Point Burr with purchase!

April 18, 2023: Get a FREE Fili-Point Burr with purchase!

Get a FREE Fili-Point Burr
with any $59 purchase!
Offer expires Wednesday 4/19/23.

"The Fili-Point Burr is awesome! The cutting action is powerful and smooth, like cutting through butter, so it leaves a clean edge - this means less sanding for me (always a good thing!). From tiny filigree holes to larger cut-outs, this burr easily does it all!" - Mary Gehley

Shown above, Fili-Point Burr. Perfect for filigree carving, cut-outs, and much more!

See the amazing things you can do with a Fili-Point burr! Watch the video above!

Simply elegant filigree design on this gourd vase by Maggie LeDuc.

Mary Gehley made this beautiful gourd vase with filigree carving as a gift for a special friend.

Lovely carved gourd vase by Debb Doyle Chiappisi.

Evelyn Fowler Fischer created this sweet hummingbird and flower scene with filigree carving surrounding it.

You can use the Fili-Point Burr to delicatly carve away any negitive space in your gourd art. Similar to this beautiful gourd piece by Janet Holloran Bratcher!

Get a FREE Fili-Point Burr
with any $59 purchase!
Offer expires Wednesday 4/19/23.

*May not be combined with some other offers and discounts.

Only a Few Boxes Left!
Get the'Limited Edition' Birdhouse Assortment Box Before They Are Gone!
Value $80.76, Just $69.95!

Shown above, Birdhouse Gourd Assortment Box, 3"-8.9" in diameter.

This 'Limited Edition' birdhouse assortment box contains our most popular birdhouse shapes. Our Birdhouse gourds are pre-drilled, with a cord for hanging already threaded and installed. In this box you will receive 2 Bottle, 3 Whimsical and 1 Cottage-Style birdhouse gourds of varying sizes within the range of 3"-8.9" in diameter. The photo above is a general representation of the gourds you will receive.

When you make your own gourd birdhouses, not only do you get lovely artwork for your yard, you also provide birds in need with a safe place to raise their young.

Now is the perfect time to create your gourd birdhouses so that they'll be ready for spring nesting season. We have complete information on the correct hole size for different species of birds on our web site.

These lovely birdhouse gourds are by @maudileart on Instagram. Thank you for sharing!

Lovely electric blue birdhouse by Amy Coke.

Beautifully painted birdhouse by Alice Gies.

We love this lovely birdhouse by Susan Floyd Taylor.

Shown above, two lovely birdhouses made by Welburn Gourd Farm employees, Gissel Olague and Sierra Bequette.

'Limited Edition' Birdhouse Assortment Box Selling Fast!
Value $80.76, Just $69.95!

*Only while supplies last. Offer may not be combined with some other discounts and specials.

Saburrtooth Burrs are used for relief carving, 3 dimensional carving, large stipple carving, and more!
Starting at $15.00

Shown above, left to right: Flame, Cylinder, and Dovetail Saburrtooth Burrs

Dovetail Burr - creates depth and it's mainly use to create sand ripples and faux basketry carving. 1/8" shank, 3/8" head diameter, 1/2" head length - Fine Grit

Amazing carved wave effect on this gourd bowl by Gloria Crane!

Shop Saburrtooth Burrs Today!
Starting at $15.00

Special of the Week:
Get $10.00 Off 'Bargain Quality' People Gourds!
Reg: $69.95, Just $59.95!
Offer ends Monday, 4/24/23 at midnight.

Pictured above: Box of 14, People Gourds 2-3.9 inches in Diameter (6"-11.9" tall)

How cool is Sammie Crawford's creative use for her people gourd! Thank you, Sammie, for sharing your artwork with us on Facebook!

Lovely vases by Paula Cairns. She made her bases to match the theme of each gourd (notice the base cut in the shape of a turtle for the first vase)!

This incredible gourd figurine is by Suzana Olivari‎.

*Only while supplies last. Offer may not be combined with some other discounts and specials.

Today's Featured Gourd Art!

Three lovely gourd vases made by @gourdsbyfafa on Instagram! Thank you for sharing with us!

Letters from Customers

"These ball cleaners are super and they are small enough to get in tiny places to clean out the gourds. They are easy to use and I love the fact that I don't have to scrape my gourds as before. The extender is super too and is easy to fit on my equipment. Thanks for making a great product."

- Jocelyn Dobransky


"Absolutely love these magical balls. I had been struggling to my gourds smooth and now - with very little effort - I am getting them beautiful!!!! Brilliant creation - THANK YOU!!!!" - Torri Taunton Our Paradise Creations


"WHAT A GAME CHANGER! I ordered and used the coarse grit easy cleaner ball--wonderful. The directions were clear and easy to follow, it worked like a charm. This new tool may make my gourd work a new favorite." - Kristee Nichols
