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April 20, 2022: Get 15% Off Gourd Colors, 3 Days Only! Plus Must-See Gourd Art!

April 20, 2022: Get 15% Off Gourd Colors, 3 Days Only! Plus Must-See Gourd Art!

3 Days Only!
Get 15% Off When You Buy 6 or More Bottles of Ink Dye or Transparent Acrylic of Your Choice!

Offer expires Friday, 4/22/22 at midnight.

One half-ounce bottle of Ink Dye or Transparent Acrylic will color over 100 gourds in the 5”- 6” size range!

"Hi! So far I have ordered 6 gourd inks - which are beautiful and blend wonderfully! I have created some of the most realistic fall leaves! I have also ordered two gourd cleaning balls. I don't know how I did it without them. If you're a serious gourder-you need this!! I'm very well pleased with everything!!" - Dianne Mines

Beautiful pear gourd with flower design by Beverly Schneider painted with GourdMasterTM Ink Dyes!

This lovely gourd pot with wood burned poppies is by Lynn Peace Marino! Lynn used GourdMasterTM Ink Dyes and alcohol inks to achieve the beautiful bold red color of her poppies.

Beautiful multi-colored butterfly gourd art by Taeko D'Andrea! Taeko used GourdMasterTM Transparent Acrylics and Metallic Inks to paint her butterflies. Thank you, Taeko, for sharing your artwork with us on Facebook!

Get 15% Off When You Buy 6 or More Bottles of Ink Dye or Transparent Acrylic of Your Choice!
Offer expires Friday, 4/22/22 at midnight.

*Offer may not be combined with some other discounts and specials

Save Over 30% On Our Popular 'Bargain Quality' Mini Vases!
Box of 12 Reg $114.46, Just $69.95!

Shown above, Box of 12 'Bargain Quality' Mini Vases, 3"- 5.9" in diameter. Reg. $114.46, Just $69.95!

These Craft-Ready Mini Vases are the perfect size for small projects and gifts and can be used for everything from pencil holders to flower vases! Perfect for DIY gifts!

All of the hard work is done for you so all you have to do is the fun part of designing and coloring. It's the perfect solution for quick and easy gourd gifts or class projects!

Beautiful ocean themed mini vases by Soozie Quezi! Thank you, Soozie, for sharing your artwork with us on Facebook!

This amazing mini vase made is by Alan Folger! Thank you, Alan, for sharing your art with us on Facebook!

Order Your 'Bargain Quality' Pre-Cut & Craft-Ready Mini Gourd Vases Today!
Reg. $114.46, Just $69.95!

Proxxon Jigsaws Selling Fast!
Save $35.70 When You Purchase the Proxxon Mini Jigsaw!
(Only While Supplies Last!)
Reg. $215.65, Just $179.95!

"Well, after spending nearly $500 on various power saws to cut open my Welburn Gourds, I finally gave in and purchased a Proxxon Mini Saw. I'm in love. It is super wonderful and small enough to offer me all the creative flexibility I desire. The professional look of my gourds improved 200 percent. Going to try the paints next...I'm sold. Thank you!" - Gayle Renfro

The Proxxon Jigsaw stands up to heavy cutting and is the perfect choice when you want to do cuts without removing too much gourd, such as when making lidded vessels.

Shown here, beautiful gourd with intricately cut out leaf design by Beverly Lane Parish! Thank you, Beverly, for sharing your art work with us on Facebook!

Get 2 FREE gifts when you order the Proxxon Mini Jigsaw STS/E -- 2 packs of jig saw blades (12 blades total) and a foot pedal!
A total value of $35.70! Reg. $215.65, Just $179.95!

The perfect tool for making gourds with lids, intricate cut-outs, and more!
To purchase the Mini Jigsaw or find out more:

Gourd Art For Sale in the Gourd Art Marketplace!
(A place for buying and selling gourd art)

We love this unique gourd art by Marc Gilmet! Marc writes in his post, "This gourd l just completed. It is one foot in diameter and about a foot and a half tall. It was carved and stained two different colors. Due to its size it took several days to complete. The intent was to create something with the illusion of movement and to be somewhat sinister at the same time. Message me if you are interested." Price $300. To purchase or learn more, use this direct link!

See all the fabulous art for sale and post your own gourd art!

Today's Featured Gourd Art!

Fabulous iris flower gourd pot by Taeko D'Andrea! Thank you, Taeko, for sharing your artwork with us on Facebook!

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• Free patterns
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• First chance to buy new items and ‘back in stock’ items (with current supply chain issues, product often sells out before people can buy what they need.) As an “Insider” you get first chance!
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Letters from Our Customers

"These ball cleaners are super and they are small enough to get in tiny places to clean out the gourds. They are easy to use and I love the fact that I don't have to scrape my gourds as before. The extender is super too and is easy to fit on my equipment. Thanks for making a great product."

- Jocelyn Dobransky


"Absolutely love these magical balls. I had been struggling to my gourds smooth and now - with very little effort - I am getting them beautiful!!!! Brilliant creation - THANK YOU!!!!" - Torri Taunton Our Paradise Creations


"WHAT A GAME CHANGER! I ordered and used the coarse grit easy cleaner ball--wonderful. The directions were clear and easy to follow, it worked like a charm. This new tool may make my gourd work a new favorite." - Kristee Nichols
