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August 5, 2023: New Wide Option for People Gourds plus, Fancy-Hook Ornaments are back!

August 5, 2023: New Wide Option for People Gourds plus, Fancy-Hook Ornaments are back!

New Wide Option for People Gourds!
Box of 8, Just 52.95!

Now available in a 3”-3.9” diameter option! This wider version of our People Gourds gives you more canvas space, allowing you to make beautiful small vases, wider figurines and more.

Shown above, Box of 8 People Gourds 3"-3.9" diameter (6"-11.9" tall)

These gourds will be a wonderful addition for those looking for a tall canvas.

These are Pamela Sue Barcita's beautiful "3 Sisters" gourds - Corn, Squash, and Beans (shown front and back).
Thank you, Pamela for sharing your artwork with us on Facebook!

Beautiful Gourd art by Viki Reich‎.

These lovely art pieces by Julie Zulauf are the perfect example of using the more slender People Gourds (for the spirit dolls) alongside the wider version (cradleboard).

Gourd art by Christie Barajas.
Maple Leaf designs from the Digital Design Pack “Leaves”

Filigree carved gourd vase by Debb Doyle Chiappisi.

The wider canvas is perfect for beautiful small vases, wider figures, and more. Ginkgo vase shown above, by Christy Barajas.

Gourd lamp made from a wide People Gourd, by Sue Sweder!

New Wide Option for People Gourds!
Box of 8, Just 52.95!
Supplies Limited. Order Today.

Fancy-Hook Ornaments are Back in Stock!
Starting at Just $39.95 per set!

Shown above, Set of 10 Fancy Hook Ornaments (2.5"-2.9” diameter)

Shown above: Fancy Hook Ornament

These fabulous 'Fancy-Hook' Ornaments are ornaments made from Mini gourds. They range in size from 2" to 3.9" inches in diameter and come with an eye screw already attached in the perfect spot so they hang beautifully!

Keep in mind, these Craft-Ready gourds are hand-selected for size and symmetry, so they are gourds that you might not find if you were to order a regular box of cleaned Mini Gourds.

Each ornament includes a fancy, scroll style hook to give it a look of elegance.

Beautiful Fancy Hook Ornament by Sue Sweder! Thank you, Sue, for sharing your artwork with us on Facebook!

Gourd art by Christy Barajas using poinsettia designs from the Gourd Ornament Stick 'n Burn pack and the Fili-Point to create the filigree around the design.

Fancy-Hook Ornament with dot pattern by Erin Ridley!

CBR Art on facebook created this lovely Fancy Hook Ornament.

Southwest Fancy-Hook Ornament Gourd by Christy Barajas.

Get Your Fancy-Hook Ornaments Today!
Starting at Just $39.95 per set!

Get a FREE Bottle Caddy with the Purchase of a Transparent Acrylic Set!
Sets starting at Reg $69.90, Just $59.95!
Offer ends Monday, 8/7/23.

"I just wanted to take this time to let you know how excited and pumped I am. This is the first time that I have used the transparent dies and I am so amazed at the difference in my colors. It's brought a spark back into my heels and a whole lot of spark into my gourd work. Thank you for having the quality of products that you do and I hope you can keep up with the demands. Thanks for always being there and having the quality that I trust in." - Willie Yepez

Shown above:
Essential Colors 10 Pack
Value: $69.90, Just $59.95!

Above: Clear Bottle Caddy. Bottle Caddy holds sixteen 0.5 oz bottles, including GourdMaster™ Ink Dyes and GourdMaster™ Transparent Acrylics.

We love this gorgeous vase by Lori Smith! As in the video shown above, the horse designs are from the Stick 'n Burn pack, "Southwest Animal Motifs."

The Southwest Animal Motifs Stick 'n Burn pack features beautiful, southwest-inspired designs such as geckos, horses, hens and more!

With GourdMaster Transparent Acrylics you get the rich colors and work-ability you might find in an acrylic paint, combined with the wonderful, semi-transparent look of an ink dye. It's like having the best of both worlds!

Being pigment based, they are more viscous than Ink Dye so you can actually apply them with a paint brush and the color stays where you put it without bleeding!

Fabulous lidded gourd vessel made from a Canteen Gourd, by Ines Atkerson! Ines used GourdMaster Transparent Acrylics to achieve the beautiful blue-green color on her gourd. Thank you, Ines, for sharing your artwork with us on Facebook!

Gourd art by Mark and Karen Klay, featuring GourdMaster Transparent Acrylics.

Get a FREE Bottle Caddy with the Purchase of a Transparent Acrylic Set!
Sets starting at Reg $69.90, Just $59.95!
Offer ends Monday, 8/7/23.

*May not be combined with some other offers and discounts.

There's Still Time to Get the Box of 'Limited Edition' Premium Tall-Body Gourds!
Great for Ipu Heke Bottoms!
Box of 3, $99.95! (Quantities Limited)

These premium quality, Tall-Body gourds are sought after by both artists and musicians alike!

Shown above, examples of our 7"- 7.9" diameter premium quality, Tall-Body gourds (aka "ipu heke bottoms"). Height ranges from 13”-16” on average.

Amazing floral themed Tall-Body gourd by Janet Holloran Bratcher!

Hibbs Gourds and More turned this Tall-Body gourd into a winter gourd lamp!

Amazing carved tall body vase by Denise Lown!

Fabulous carved gourd by Evelyn Fowler Fischer.

In addition to artwork, premium Tall-Body gourds are also used as the bottom of an ipu heke, which is a percussion instrument often used in hula dancing.

Shown above, finished Ipu Heke by Black Pearl Designs.

An ipu heke is made from 2 gourds put together, and the bottom gourd is usually a premium quality tall-body gourd.

The bottom gourd must have a flat bottom and must be fairly symmetrical in shape. Because these gourds are so difficult to grow, they are priced higher than other gourds of the same diameter.

Please note: Because it is a lengthy process to match a top and a bottom gourd to make ipu heke, and it is also a specialized skill, we are unable to provide the staff to assist with this.

The best way to find a matching top is to come to the farm in Fallbrook, CA and select them yourself.

Order Your 'Limited Edition' Box of 7"- 7.9"diameter, Premium Tall-Body Gourds Today!
Box of 3, $99.95!

Today's Featured Gourd Art!

Lovely flower gourd bowl by Nancy Foster! Thank you, Nancy, for sharing your artwork with us on Facebook!

Letters from Customers

"I just wanted you to know how much I like the Fili-Point Burr. It is the best burr I've used for doing filigree cut work. Unlike other pointed burrs that leave ridges, the Fili-Point makes a nice clean cut the first time and saves a step. It can be used for doing small filigree as well as large cut outs. Welburn you got a keeper with this one." - Gloria Crane


"Thanks for my filli-point burrs. I have been having a wonderful time playing with the burr. Wish I'd had one years ago! Keep up the good work." - Simone Doherty


"The [Fili-Point Burr] is awesome! I love that I can just plunge it right into the gourd and it doesn't grab.   Because of its size it fits into tiny corners, so I can cut really intricate shapes. The cutting action is powerful and so smooth, like cutting through butter, so it leaves a clean edge - this means less sanding for me (always a good thing!). From tiny filigree holes to larger cut-outs, this burr easily does it all!" - Mary Gehley
