July 25, 2020: 4 Days Only, FREE Bottle of Formula 49, Plus Beautiful Gourd Art and More!

4 Days Only, Get a FREE 2-oz Bottle of Formula 49 with Any Purchase of $49 or More!*
(Offer expires Tuesday, 7/28/20 at midnight)
"Love the new Formula 49... the fact that it will almost completely remove ink dye is a reason alone to call it a great product, not to mention how well it works to blend the inks. I just wish it came in a bigger bottle!" -Gloria Crane, Gourd Artist and Instructor
- Formula 49 can be applied as a base coat to condition the gourd shell so that Ink Dyes go on with smooth, even color and blend easily.
• Formula 49 is great for removing Ink Dyes and Transparent Acrylics if you make a mistake!
• Formula 49 works wonders to remove the carbon buildup that is sometimes left on your gourd after woodburning Stick 'n Burn.
Check out the video above for great tips on how to use Formula 49, including removing Ink Dye when you make a mistake, conditioning your gourd shell and more!
Shown here, 2 beautiful gourds by Sue Sweder! Made using GourdMasterTM colors blended with Formula 49.
4 Days Only, FREE 2-oz Formula 49 with Any Purchase of $49 or more!*
(offer ends Tuesday, 7/28/20 at midnight)
To get your FREE Formula 49, wait for the pop-up window to appear automatically once the order minimum has been reached, then simply add the free gift to your cart.
Start Shopping! View our "Customer Favorites" items:
*May not be combined with some other offers and discounts.
Craft-Ready Ornaments are Back In Stock
Shown above a set of Craft-Ready Ornaments made using the images from our "Designs for Ornaments" Stick 'n Burn Pack!
To see the above video full screen and a complete materials list click here.
Shop Craft-Ready Gourd Ornaments!
Featured Gourd Post:
We love this post from Deborah Mills Russell! Judging by its shape, this is most likely the type of gourd that grows on a tree in tropical or sub-tropical climates. the shell is very hard once dry, so much so that it is usually cut or carved while it is still green, then allowed to dry afterwards.
Shown above, tree gourds growing on a tree in Belize.
Awesome Gourd Art in the NEW Gourd Art Marketplace!
(A place for buying and selling gourd art)
Beautiful gourd pot with pine needle rim by Jeanne Marie Wolfe! We love the bold colors in Jeanne Marie's piece, and the gold shimmer in her flower design. She did not have any information about pricing in her post in the Marketplace, but if you are interested in it we encourage you to contact her via her post in the Gourd Art Marketplace!
Egg holder gourd chicken with chef's hat, by Bahar Esintisi Hobi Evi! The English translator feature on Facebook did not appear to be working at the time of publication of this newsletter, so we could not get more information on this gourd, but please visit her post in the Marketplace here.
Lovely gourd with filigree by Deborah Hildinger-Young! Deborah writes in her post, "Hard shell gourd with carving, pyrography, silver leafing, and iridescent oil paint sticks. Embellished with waxed linen thread, feathers, Frogs Mouth Pod/South America, sea glass, and beads. Available for purchase through www.dhildingerart.com" Size 11.5 x 11.5 inches. To visit this listing, use this direct link.
See all the fabulous art for sale and post your own gourd art!
Please Note: The direct links given for the Marketplace gourd art will work if you are using the old version of Facebook, but might now work if you did the upgrade Facebook has been pushing out in the last few weeks. We have sent Facebook multiple texts to try to get the problem fixed but so far there seems to be no way to offer a direct link to an individual post, just a link to the Marketplace Group. Most people feel this is fine since it is fairly easy to find the art pieces we feature here from the main page of the Gourd Art Marketplace.
Today's Featured Gourd Art!
This beautiful gourd is by Barbara Prestridge! We love everything about this piece!!! The lovely designs and colors in the feathers, the string of turquoise chip beads trimmed with leather around the top of the gourd, and the beautiful multi-colored effect on the main body of the gourd. Well done, Barbara! Thank you for sharing your art work on Facebook.
Letters from Customers
"Just a note as a new customer to let you know that I absolutely LOVELOVELOVE the people gourds I received and just placed another order."
Thanking you,
"My people gourds were exactly what I wanted. Welburn’s never fail to satisfy me with my order. They are perfect!!!"
Thank you
Linda Gammill
Shown here, Phoebe Welburn with People Gourd Variety Box, which includes 16 gourds, 1.5-3.9 inch in diameter.
(Gourd ring stands sold separately)