3 Days Only, Get a FREE 2 oz. Bottle of Formula 49
with any Purchase of Just $49 or More!
Offer ends Friday, 10/29/21 at midnight.
"Love the Formula 49... the fact that it will almost completely remove ink dye is a reason alone to call it a great product, not to mention how well it works to blend the inks." - Gloria Crane, Gourd Artist and Instructor.
GourdMaster™ Formula 49 is a ‘must have’ item for gourders! Use it to dilute or lighten Ink Dye or Transparent Acrylic colors or even to remove the colors if you’ve made a mistake!
Formula 49 is also perfect for blending colors together for a smooth transition from one color to the next.
Shown here, beautiful gourd art by Sue Sweder! Sue is well-known for the fantastic, vibrant colors and beautiful carvings incorporated in her gourd art. She likes to mix GourdMasterTM colors using Formula 49.
See how easy it is to use Formula 49 to create gorgeous art work! Watch the video above!
Watch the video above to see how to create stunning fall leaves using Formula 49, click here!
"The formula 49 was a great investment. I can’t believe what a difference it made when using the Ink. I will be buying this product again 😉" - W.J.Napioer
We love this piece by Dee Hamlin! She achieved a wonderful range of greys by using GourdMasterTM Ink Dyes "Pitch Black" and "White" with Formula 49! Thank you, Dee for sharing your artwork with us on Facebook!
A pop-up window will appear once your order reaches $49, and you will be allowed to add your FREE 2 oz Formula 49.
See our 'Customer Favorites' page to start shopping:
Now Available!
New Crop Small 'Mixed Shape' Gourds!
Reg. $89.28, now Just $82.95!
Our most popular gourd box! The Mixed Shape box gives you a fabulous selection of standard shapes, like the Canteen, Bottle, Round Body, and Tear Drop gourds, as well as one-of-a-kind gourds!
Here is an example of what Michelle Harder did with Small 'Mixed Shape' Gourds! Thank you Michelle for sharing your adorable birdhouse gourds with us on Facebook!
These lovely Mixed Shaped Gourds are by Janet Holloran-Bratcher. We love the detailed cut-out designs she has incorporated into each piece as well as her fantastic use of color! Thank you, Janet, for sharing your artwork with us on Facebook!
How creative are these Santa Bowls by Marilyn Carrico! Thank you Marilyn, for sharing your artwork with us on Facebook!
Watch the short video above to see some great ideas for Small 'Mixed Shape' Gourds!
Get the New Crop Small 'Mixed Shape' Gourds!
Reg. $89.28, now Just $82.95!
Fun Fall Project!
Watch the video above to see how to create a Gourd Turkey Napkin Ring, click here.
Craft-Ready "Fancy-Hook" Ornaments Are Selling Fast!
Starting at Just $29.95 per set!
Pictured above: Set of 6 Extra Large Fancy Hook Ornament gourds with sample artwork. (artwork not included)
These fabulous Craft-Ready "Fancy-Hook" Ornaments are LARGE size ornaments made from Mini gourds. They range in size from 2.5 to 4.5 inches in diameter and come with an eye screw already attached in the perfect spot so they hang beautifully!
Keep in mind, these Craft-Ready gourds are hand-selected for size and symmetry, so they are gourds that you might not find if you were to order a regular box of cleaned Mini Gourds.
Each ornament includes a fancy, scroll style hook to give it a look of elegance.
Adorable Fancy Hook Ornament by Sammie Crawford! Thank you, Sammie, for sharing your artwork with us on Facebook!
Shown above, a group of 3 gourd birdhouses made from Fancy Hook Ornaments with faux pine cone roofs using GourdMasterTM Gourd Glue.
Get Your Craft-Ready "Fancy-Hook" Ornaments Today!
Starting at Just $29.95 per set!
Shop 'Bargain Quality' Canteen
Gourds and Save Up To 27%!
Starting at Reg. $89.91, Just $69.95!
No coupon required. Price has already been reduced.
Pictured above: Small and Medium 'Bargain Quality' Canteen Gourds with sample artwork.
Awesome Gourd Art in the Gourd Art Marketplace!
(A place for buying and selling gourd art)
Lovely gourd alter by Rox Espinoza TreintayTress! Rox writes in her post, "A small altar of the Dia de los Muertos, made in pyrography and carving gourd, with lights. Does not include shipping" Price $600. To purchase or learn more, use this direct link!
See all the fabulous art for sale and post your own gourd art!
Today's Featured Gourd Art!
Amazing moose painting on this gourd pot by Julie Zulauf! Thank you, Julie, for sharing your artwork with us on Facebook!
Letters from Customers
"I ordered stick n burn. They are really nice sized and their design is wonderful. I look forward to using them." - Lynn Tillery
"The stick and burn butterflies were fantastic. They allowed me to create a beautiful gourd without a lot of natural talent. Thank you!" - Patty Brown
"I really love working with your stick and burn patterns. I want them ALL! It is so much easier than other things I have tried in the past. Now I have too many projects and not enough time!!!! Thanks, Andy Gula"