Pre Printed Stick 'N Burn Pack: Vines and Floral Wraps

The Vines and Floral Wraps Stick 'n Burn pack features many beautiful flowers and vines to use for your own gourd projects! Use Ink Dyes and Transparent Pigment Powders to Make your Designs "Pop" Just Like the Gourds seen on our site!

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"Digital Design Pack: Vines and Wraps" Use this link.

Pre Printed Stick 'N Burn Pack: Vines and Floral Wraps

The Vines and Floral Wraps Stick 'n Burn pack features many beautiful flowers and vines to use for your own gourd projects! Use Ink Dyes and Transparent Pigment Powders to Make your Designs "Pop" Just Like the Gourds seen on our site!

Get this same design pack as an “instant download”

"Digital Design Pack: Vines and Wraps" Use this link.

Stick 'n Burn Vines and Floral Wraps

$12.95 USD

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