3 Days Only, Get 10% OFF 'Bargain Quality' Mini Vases!
Value: $101.14, Starting at Reg. $74.95, Now Just $67.46!
May 24, 2022
3 Days Only, Get 10% OFF 'Bargain Quality' Mini Vases!
Value: $101.14, Starting at Reg. $74.95, Now Just $67.46!
Shown above, Box of 12 'Bargain Quality' Mini Vases, 3"- 4.9" in diameter.
These Craft-Ready Mini Vases are the perfect size for small projects and gifts and can be used for everything from pencil holders to flower vases! Perfect for DIY gifts!
All of the hard work is done for you so all you have to do is the fun part of designing and coloring. It's the perfect solution for quick and easy gourd gifts or class projects!
Beautiful Mini Gourd Vases by Ines Atkerson! Thank you, Ines, for sharing your artwork with us on Facebook!
Oak Leaf Vase with Pine Needles, by Kelsey Nelson. See the video, "How to Create a Pine Needle Rim" - click here!
3 Days Only, Get 10% OFF 'Bargain Quality' Mini Vases!
Value: $101.14, Starting at Reg. $74.95, Now Just $67.46!
Save up to 14% on GourdMasterTM Metallic Gourd Ink Sets!
Starting at $69.90, Just $59.95!
Shown above, Complete Collection of all GourdMasterTM Metallic Ink Set
Accent your gourd art with a splash of brilliant color! Use Metallic Inks for durable, reflective color that is long lasting and will not fade, chip, or peel off your gourd surface.
As with the regular Gourd Ink Dyes, they are alcohol-free and are specially formulated to provide a rich color that withstands time. Thicker than the regular Gourd Ink Dyes, the Metallic Gourd Inks are applied using a paintbrush or Fine Tip Applicator and go on as a solid, opaque color (no transparency). Mix well before applying.
You'll love the high quality, long-lasting durable color of the Metallic Gourd Inks! Take a look at the art pieces below for more inspiration!
Beautiful gourd vase by Regina Ward! Regina used Metallic Ink to give the highlight accents to her piece. Thank you, Regina, for sharing your artwork with us on Facebook!
This lovely lidded dragonfly gourd bowl by Ken Vining is painted with Metallic Inks! Thank you, Ken, for sharing your artwork with us on Facebook!
Shown above, a beautiul canteen gourd vase painted with Metallic Inks by Karen Spreng Friend. Thank you, Karen, for sharing your artwork with us on Facebook!
Shop Our Metallic Ink Sets!
Starting at just $69.90, Just $59.95!
Cottage-Style Birdhouses Are Back in Stock!
Reg. $93.50, Just $74.95!
These beauitfully painted birdhouses are by Alice Gies! Thank you, Alice, for sharing your artwork with us on Facebook!
This fun gourd birdhouse is by Maureen Patricia! Thank you, Maureen, for sharing your gourd art with us on Facebook!
Cottage-Style Birdhouses Are Back in Stock!
Reg. $93.50, Just $74.95!
Featured Gourd Post:
Olivia Hoppe shared this wonderful gourd art she is working on! We are excited to see what is looks like once she is finished!
Gourd Art For Sale in the Gourd Art Marketplace!
(A place for buying and selling gourd art)
This colorful sea horse tall-body gourd vase is by Linda Piller! Linda listed this gourd art along with many others in her collection that are for sale. She did not list an individual price. If you would like more information, check out her listing here.
See all the fabulous art for sale and post your own gourd art!
Today's Featured Gourd Art!
Katherine Pregger created this wonderful Tall-Body Gourd Vase with carved textures! Thank you, Katherine, for sharing your artwork with us on Facebook!
Ready to give carving a try? Get a GourdMaster™ Pro Carver II, Reg. $371.59, Just $289.95! Includes a FREE Foot Pedal, FREE 20-piece Diamond Burr set, 2 FREE Dremel #106 Engraving Burrs, 3 FREE GourdMaster™ Fili-Point Burrs, 1 FREE GourdMaster™ ZipCutter Burr, 1 FREE Blank Stick 'n Burn 10-Pack, FREE DVD Link to view video project "Stipple Carving" online. That's $106.64 in FREE Gifts!
Letters from Our Customers
"The [Bargain Quality] gourds we ordered yesterday arrived. We were very pleased and shocked how heavy they are. Since Peter is a "deep" carver he's very happy with this purchase, Thanks a million. Fast service, too!!!!" - Marlene Quinn
" Wow, I got my gourds today. What a beautiful collection of [Bargain Quality Canteen] gourds. The best bang for the bucks, plus. thank you so much. Everyone said to order from you and they were right!" - David Flaherty