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September 18, 2021: Easy Grip Applicators are back in stock, plus these popular gourds now available!

September 18, 2021: Easy Grip Applicators are back in stock, plus these popular gourds now available!

Easy-Grip Applicator Holders are Back in Stock!
Set of 2, Reg. $23.85, now Just $12.95!

“I used the [Easy-Grip Applicator] holders today to apply stain to an intricate project and I love them. I am 52 years old and I do not have arthritis however holding the tiny micro applicators and even small paint brushes causes cramps in my hands after a couple of hours. …I will use [the Easy Grip Holders] frequently!" -Cindy Knight

Shown above, Easy-Grip Applicator Holders for Microbrushes (silver) and Fine Tip Applicators (black).

Easy-Grip Applicator Holders make holding applicator brushes easy. No more cramped hands! Great for people with arthritis. Simply insert the applicator brush into the holder and start painting. It's that easy!

We tried to design one holder that would fit both applicators but found out it would cost our customers over $40.00! The 2 holders together cost less than $20, hence our decision to have 2 holders individually sized for each applicator!

Easy-Grip Applicator Holders come in two different options, one for each brush type:
• Silver Holder = Fine Microbrush holder
• Black Holder = Fine Tip Applicator holder

Because the Fine Tip Applicator and Micro Brush applicators are 2 different diameters, they require 2 different Easy-Grip Holders.

Please note: Applicator Brushes not included.

Shown above, Easy-Grip Applicator Holder for Fine Tip Applicators.

Shown above, Easy-Grip Applicator Holder for Microbrushes.

Order the Easy-Grip Applicator Holders Today!
Set of 2, Reg. $23.85, now Just $12.95!

Now Available
'Bargain Quality' Medium Round-Body Gourds!

Box of 7 Reg. $103.18, Just $87.95!

The "Bargain Gourds" are a great box to get at a fabulously discounted price! These gourds couldn't qualify as our regular, "high quality" gourds, so the price has been greatly reduced!

They may have one or more flaws, such as minor cracks, scarring, or other shell blemishes. These blemishes can be easily carved out or masked with Wood Texture and Filler.

These fun quilted jack 'o lantern round-body gourds are by Beverly Conroy! Thank you Beverly, for sharing your artwork with us on Facebook!

Order a box of 'Bargain Quality' Medium Round-Body Gourds today!
Box of 7 Reg. $103.95, Just $87.95!

Craft-Ready "Fancy-Hook" Ornaments Are Selling Fast!
Starting at Just $29.95 per set!

Shown above: Large "Fancy Hook" Ornaments, 2.5"-3.5"

Shown above: Fancy Hook Ornament

Pictured above: Set of 6 Extra Large Fancy Hook Ornament gourds with sample artwork. (artwork not included)

These fabulous Craft-Ready "Fancy-Hook" Ornaments are LARGE size ornaments made from Mini gourds. They range in size from 2.5 to 4.5 inches in diameter and come with an eye screw already attached in the perfect spot so they hang beautifully!

Keep in mind, these Craft-Ready gourds are hand-selected for size and symmetry, so they are gourds that you might not find if you were to order a regular box of cleaned Mini Gourds.

Each ornament includes a fancy, scroll style hook to give it a look of elegance.

Beautiful Fancy Hook Ornament by Sue Sweder! Thank you, Sue, for sharing your artwork with us on Facebook!

Gourd art by Christy Barajas using poinsettia designs from the Gourd Ornament Stick 'n Burn pack and the Fili-Point to create the filigree around the design.

Get Your Craft-Ready "Fancy-Hook" Ornaments Today!
Starting at Just $29.95 per set!

Awesome Gourd Art in the Gourd Art Marketplace!
(A place for buying and selling gourd art)

Lovely lidded gourd bowl with filigree carving by Brenda Jamison! Brenda writes in her post, "This very large bushel gourd was transformed from plain to beautiful. Relief carved and painted with acrylic paint and metallic paint. The hummingbird was relief carved." Price$175. To purchase or learn more, use this direct link!

See all the fabulous art for sale and post your own gourd art!

Today's Featured Gourd Art!

Incredible carved gourd pendant light by Leanna Moldenhauer-Donald! Thank you, Leanna, for sharing your artwork with us on Facebook!

Letters from Customers

"It's the greatest invention since sliced bread! It's lite and bright but can be dimmed also. I love it!" - Robert Sadler [talking about the Stick 'n Burn GloTracer]

"Just got my glo tracer and it is fantastic. Very lightweight... I have already used it to do two transfers on stick and burn. I recommend this product, the uses are as vast as the imagination." -Marcia Konopka
